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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Justin Bieber

Justin in concert

Justin :


I don't like...


Friday, July 19, 2013

close up of Justin's eye tattoo


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So sexy

Justin with beliebers

LIKE if you found Justin >.<

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

<3 WooooooooooW  <3

Catching Feelings- Part 15

 Pattie- What do you mean?
Selena- Part of it is telling me, Justin should be here with me because I love him... The other part is telling me that he should be with Kendall because she loves him and needs him and we're just friends.. That go a little further sometimes...
Pattie- You never said Justin loved Kendall back though..
Selena- Because honestly I dont know who he loves. I dont know who or what he's gunna do I'm just realy confused.
Pattie- I have no idea... But I know one thing. He does love you. I dont know if its just, friends, or more. But.. He does.
Selena- If it was just as friends though, wouldnt he not ... sleep with me.
Pattie- Maybe you both just get caught up in the moment..
Selena- But doesnt that mean we're both INTO eachother? But than he ... *rubs her forehead* I dont know.
Pattie- Well he obviously is otherwise he wouldnt..
Selena- I just... I dont know!
Pattie- *putting her left overs in a to go box* I guess what I see happening is... Justin leaving Kendall for you.
Selena- Really?
Pattie- You're a his first love sweety... He's always gunna come back...
Selena- I dont know.. Time to move on right?
Pattie- Have you?
Selena- *finishes her bite, chews and looks down* I dont know... I think...
Pattie- Whose the other guy?
Selena- *chuckles* Zayn... From One Direction.
Pattie- Whats up with him?
Selena-We're... Just friends..
Pattie- Ahh, I got you.
Selena- What do you mean...
Pattie- I understand whats between you and him...
Selena- Oh.. Yeah.. Justin keeps telling me I deserve better ya know... 
Pattie- You do... *smiling*
Selena- Zayn is a great guy though..
Pattie- I dont doubt that for a moment, but you deserve a relationship.
Selena- Yeah, thats what Justins telling me.
Pattie- I bet he's thinking you and him.
Selena- I dont know..
*Meanwhile Justin and Scooter are just landing in New Jersey*
*They walk threw the crowds and get in the car, and Kendall's sitting in the back seat*
Justin- Kendall?
Kendall- Hey..
Justin- What are you doing here?
Kendall- ... Selena called me and told me everthing.. I love you. *wraps her arms around him*
Justin- I-I love you too... *shocked, and his mind drifts to Selena again*
Kendall- I'm so sorry...
Justin- I should be the one sorry.
Kendall- Well yeah, but I should've listened to what you had to say better.
Justin- *shakes his head* No, I'm sorry. I really am. 
Kendall- *smiles and leans in and kisses Kendall*
*Justins mind keeps slipping to Selena*
Kendall- So hows touring going?
Justin- Really well.
Kendall- Good... *feeling like Justin wasnt telling her everything, she sits back and looks out the window*
*Justin watches her*
Justin- You've changed..
Kendall- So have you.. *looking at him*
Justin- *nods, licks his lips and looks out the window*
*Getting to the hotel room, Justin grabs Kendall's bag out of the back and carries their bags in, he gets to the door and unlocks it, the whole time Kendall is following behind like somethings bothering her and she wont tell him*
Justin- Feels good to be back in Jersey... Havent been here in so long. *Kendall nods, and Justin turns towards her* Whats wrong?
Kendall- *shakes her head and pulls her sleeves over her hands and wraps her arms around her* Nothing.. *tries to smile*
Justin- Babe... *steps closer to her and reaches out an arm to touch her and she takes a step back* Whats wrong? *starting to get frustrated*
Kendall- How can you call me babe when your sleeping with other girls?
Justin- Please not now...
Kendall- Noo, now.
Justin- Because you are my babe... They dont mean anything.
Kendall- So Selena? She dont mean anything...
Justin- ... What...
Kendall- Oh come on Justin, you guys spent the night together. Dont pretend like nothing happened...
Justin- How'd you know that... That she spent the night?
Kendall- Because she called me... She called me and told me everything... I knew she'd end up spending the night and know what you two are like. On and off. Ok well obviously somethings gunna happen Justin. I'm not stupid.
Justin- Of course your not!
Kendall- So dont treat me like it.
Justin- It was just.... Just a mistake Kendall. Do you know how much it ate me up inside? *starts to get teary eyed* Knowing I hurt you like your ex, John did. I never wanted to do that... *starts crying* Never... 
Kendall- *looks down* You didnt...
Justin- *whipes his tears* What?
Kendall- You just disappointed me... *picks a lint off of her sweater and crosses her arms again* 
Justin- Well I didnt wanna do that either.
Kendall- You turned into everything you said you wouldnt Justin... *looks him in the eye* Why..
Justin- I wasnt thinking... Thats why...
Kendall- I dont know Justin... Has this love run its corse.. *shrugs* Is it done? *looks him dead in the eye and he looks away*
Justin- *looks up and puts his hands in his pockets* No... No... Dont do this Kendall please.
Kendall- Look at what you did to me Justin! Look!
Justin- I know..*looks down without making eye contact* 
Kendall- Justin thats bullshit... *Starts crying* I trusted you with everything and Justin god dammit I was carying your child... *tries to stop crying* You totally just blew it off and went and slept with at least two girls, who the fuck knows what else? 
Justin- I know Kendall... And I am so so sorry... I love you so much...  I- *voice cracks and he tries not to cry* I just want another try... Please.
Kendall- Another try to go cheat on me again oh sure. *sarcastic* Why not.
Justin- Kend- 
Kendall- I gave you everything Justin... Literally...
Justin- Kendall... *walks towards her and she just stands there* I promise to you, if you give me another chance, I will never hurt you again. I will never even look at another girl... Ok... I wont. I swear. I see how much it hurts you..
Kendall- But thats what scares me, you have to see it hurting me to understand how much it affects me? 
Justin- I know now though Kendall I dont know what else to say... I.... I've said all I can... So... *shrugs* I guess its up to you... *turns and walks out* 
*Justin goes and gets in bed, about an hour later theres a knock on his bedroom door*
Kendall- Justin?
Justin- Yeah Kenny?
Kendall- I- Can I come lay with you?
Justin- Of course... *rolls over and Kendall comes and lays next to him* Whats up?
Kendall- I just cant sleep...
Justin- Me niether..
Kendall- .. Um.. Justin?
Justin- Yeah Kenny..
Kendall- Are you naked?
Justin- ... *giggles that sexy little giggle* Uum...
Kendall- Thats ok, so am I.
Justin- What? You- You are?
Kendall- Yeah... *comes closer to Justin*
Justin- I- *puts his arm around her waiste and brings her in closer**Kendall wraps her arms around his neck and starts kissing him*
Kendall- Maybe I was just over reacting this whole thing... I love you. *starts kissing him again*
Justin- Well I... I love you too. *mind wanders back to Selena*
Kendall- And we only have a few nights together so we might as well make the most...
Justin- Yeah.. *runs his hands up and down Kendall while they kiss*
*Justin and Kendall make love*
*Knocking at the door, Justin gets up and starts to walk for the door*
Kendall- Justin...
Justin- Pants.
Kendall- Pants.. *starts laughing* Yes.
*Justin puts on some boxers and walks for the door, its Scooter*
Scooter- I didnt mean to interupt anything, haha, but they want to do an on fly with you at the arena in an hour or so.
Justin- Ok
Scooter- So get ready and go over. Like now. Please.
Justin- Ok..
Scooter- See you over there. *walks away and Justin shuts the door and goes back to Kendall*
Kendall- Who was it? *Justin climbs in bed again*
Justin- Scooter, we have to be at the arena in an hour. Well I do.
Kendall- I'll go too.
Justin- *smiles* I need to get in the shower than.. *Gets up and goes to the shower*
*Kendall gets up and gets dressed than goes into the bathroom to get ready, she starts brushing her teeth when the shower curtain opens*
Justin- Oh my god, ok, hi.. *wrapping himself with a towel* I didnt know you were in here.
Kendall- *starts laughing*
*Justin goes up behind Kendall and puts his hands on her hips and kisses her neck and cheeck*
Justin- Good morning.
Kendall- Good morning. *smiling really big*
*They finish getting ready and go to the arena. They walk in holding hands, and walk past Scooter and Fredo to go backstage. Fredo leans to Scooter-
Fredo- Wait... Arent him and Selena...
Scooter- You know what, I have NO idea.
Fredo- *gives him a confused look*
Scooter- I honestly dont know.
Fredo- Wow... *they walk backstage*
*They do the on fly than chill at the arena until the concert. Kendall is in the front row on the side with Scooter and the rest of the gang threw the show*
*After the concert Kendall meets him back stage. Justin runs up to her*
Justin- So what'd you think?
Kendall- That was- Amazing. *hugs him* I'm really proud of you.
*They walk to his dressing room and he takes a piece of pizza from the box and goes on the couch and starts to eat it*
Justin- Help yourself.
Kendall- Nah I'm good...
Justin- You sure?
Kendall- Yeah..
Justin- Your loss sweet cheeks.
Kendall- Oook there. *goes and sits by him*
Justin- *finishes chewing*  Kiss me Kenny.
Kendall- Pizza breathhh... Ew.
Justin- Oh come on! *Gets in her face and makes the kissy face*
Kendall- Fine... *gives him a peck on the cheek*
*They look at eachother than start making out*
*Justin leans back and slides off Kendalls top, and she moves down and slides of Justins pants and starts sucking his D*
*After awhile she slides back up and they start to make love*
*An hour or so later, Justins sitting up, Kendalls on her knees sucking his D when Justin cums on her face*
*She gets up and sits on his lap and kisses him*
Kendall- I love you.
Justin- I love you too baby... *brushes her hair out of her face and whipes the cum off her face with his thumb* Wanna sleep on the bus tonight?
Kendall- Sure.
Justin- I had Scooter bring our stuff in case..
Kendall- Sounds good.
*They get up and get dressed and go to the bus, holding hands of course and Justin shows her his room and sets her bag on the chest and starts unpacking his clothes when Kendall lays down on the bed on her phone*
*Justin starts to watch her and his mind shifts back to Selena*
Kendall- Justin? *still stares* Justin? *still stares* JUSTIN. 
Justin- What?
Kendall- Whats wrong sweety?
Justin- Oh nothing... *lays down next to her on his stomache*
Kendall- It looked like you were about to pass out or something.
Justin- Oh no, I was just thinking.
Kendall-.. About?
Justin-.. Nothing really. Well... Basically everything. I dont know.
Kendall- *nods* So Seventeen called...
Justin- And?
Kendall- *rolls over and faces Justin* I got an offer!
Justin- Thats great babe.. *kisses her* Thats wonderful!
Kendall- The only bad thing is it requires a lot of traveling... So we wont be able to see eachother as much.
Justin- It'll suck but this is a once in a lifetime offer. You need to take it!
Kendall- Thats what I was thinking too.. *smiling*
*Knock at the door*
Justin- Come in!  *Scooter walks in*
Scooter- Ok so theres just one rule..
Justin- Ook..
Scooter- No do anything..."Anything" on the bus. Ok?
Justin- What..?
Scooter- No havin-
Justin- OOOOOHK.
Scooter- Bed at a decent time please... Justin.
Justin- We will.
Scooter- Ok thank you, night you two. No doing anything. None of that stuff! *closes door*
Kendall- Hey Justin.
Justin- Yeah?
Kendall- None of THAT stuff.
Justin- Hah, hey Kendall?
Kendall- Yeah?
Justin- Dont do any of THAT stuff.
*they laugh*
Justin- Lets get to bed, I'm actually tired.
Kendall- Yeah me too..
*They get ready for bed and crawl in*
Justin- Hey Kenny.
Kendall- Yes Justin..
Justin- Look. *he holds up his boxers and tosses them across the room*
*Kendall laughs*
Kendall- Hey Justin.. Look.. *takes off her thong and throws it across the room*
*They laugh and move closer together*
Justin- Night baby
Kendall- Night, love you.
Justin- Love you more.
Kendall- I love you most.
Justin- I love you mostest.
Kendall- Thats not a word, that dont count... *laughs*
Justin- I think it does!
Kendall- *laughs* Whatever, goodnight. *She rolls over and Justin spoons her* 
*At 9am their woken by Justins phone going off, its a text from- 

Like for 16! Theres going to be some very very very tense tention (lol) on the bus. No for real though, it'll be pretty intense. So like it up, I know you'll love 16. 
Thanks for all the support and I hope you like it! Message the page for any ideas or for feed back!

Monday, July 15, 2013

What the ..... hahahha

Justin; Coming soon



                                    Drake Bell; wow Justin Bieber have so many dedicated fans!

Justin ....

Justin: Can you give me a kiss?

You: No

justin: Mmmmmm :D :D  Hahaha

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Belieber mom...

My mom just asked me about the justin peeing in a mop situation and i told her about it. we started talking about him and she told me this:
you know, i feel sad for the kid. he has no privacy. everyone is just waiting for him to screw up. all those nice things you showed me about him totally overweigh all the negative things that the paparazzi talj about. they only see the bad stuff. come on, he's young let him live! take away his fame and money and he'll be no different than any other 19 year old. I like Justin. He's a good kid. He deserves everything he has; fame, money and more since he's so talented but what he really needs is some privacy. The paparazzi should leave him alone.

I swear, my mom would be a great belieber <3

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Why Justin Bieber is my hockey hero today

Justin Bieber met the Stanley Cup on Tuesday.
Well, he met it again, actually. In June 2010, the Biebs held – MY GAWD, HELD! – the Stanley Cup at “The Today Show” and no one really cared because that was back when he was an adorable pop tart instead of being Vanilla Ice auditioning for an N.W.A. tribute band.
So now he touches the Cup and baby (baby baby oooh baby) is there a backlash. Mashable claims the image above fueled Internet rage from hockey fans that simply don’t have the technological acumen to do a cursory Internet search and discover Bieber is actually a hockey fan and player, which is something 99.9 percent of celebrities photographed with the Cup can’t say.
But there’s another image of Bieber in the Chicago Blackhawks’ locker room that’s fueling rage, and it’s not the one of his personalized Bieber jersey, which by the way is not a Jersey Foul because it was given to him by the team.
No, it’s this one, via Brandon Newberry:
Yes, that’s Justin Bieber stepping on the Blackhawks logo in the middle of their dressing room while snapping an image of the Cup. That’s Justin Bieber’s designer sneakers, standing firmly on the first and second feather. That’s Justin Bieber, committed to using the Indian as a floor mat.
And we're happy that he did.
For anyone that’s never been in the locker room, here’s the deal: You don’t step on the logo. It's a sign of alleged disrespect. If you do, a player or a PR flack or some other person in need of a hobby will bark at you to walk around it or stand someplace else.
In some places, the logo is actually roped off when the media are swarming the players, like a crime scene. In most cases, there’s a team intern stationed at the logo at all times to protect it, which seriously detracts from their other duties for the team: Doing nothing and getting hit on.
Alas, it’s the summer: Nary an intern sentry to be found. So Justin Bieber is free to plant his lanky frame right on the chief’s noggin.
Again, I’m happy he did. It’s a stupid tradition. “Hey, let’s put a giant thing in the middle of a high-traffic area and not allow people to touch it.” Dummies.
You can argue the sacred reverence of the logo when they stop putting it on dog bowls.
I hope Justin Bieber not only stood on the logo, but Moonwalked on it. Or did some other thing he stole from Michael Jackson.

Today, Justin Bieber is my hockey hero. Like Anne Frank, I beliebe in his magic.

