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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Belieber mom...

My mom just asked me about the justin peeing in a mop situation and i told her about it. we started talking about him and she told me this:
you know, i feel sad for the kid. he has no privacy. everyone is just waiting for him to screw up. all those nice things you showed me about him totally overweigh all the negative things that the paparazzi talj about. they only see the bad stuff. come on, he's young let him live! take away his fame and money and he'll be no different than any other 19 year old. I like Justin. He's a good kid. He deserves everything he has; fame, money and more since he's so talented but what he really needs is some privacy. The paparazzi should leave him alone.

I swear, my mom would be a great belieber <3

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